Ixtokens Public API

Public API - Assets

Read all available assets from Ixokens exchange

Read All Assets
Read Single Asset
Field Type Description
symbol (optional) String The currency symbol, for example BTC.
Success 200
Field Type Description
name String Cryptocurrency name.
unified_cryptoasset_id Integer Unique ID of cryptocurrency.
can_withdraw Boolean Identifies withdrawals true/false.
can_deposit Boolean Identifies deposit true/false.
min_withdraw Decimal Identifies minimum withdrawal amount
max_withdraw Decimal Identifies maximum withdrawal amount.
maker_fee Decimal Liquidity added fees.
taker_fee Decimal Liquidity removed fees.
Error 4xx
Name Description
NotFound The provided API was not found.
Error 5xx
Name Description
InternalServerError The server encountered an internal error
Response (for all assets)

  "code": "200",
  "msg":  "success",
  "data": {
      "BTC": {
      "name": "bitcoin",
      "unified_cryptoasset_id": "1",
      "can_withdraw": "true",
      "can_deposit": "true",
      "min_withdraw": "0.0012",
      "max_withdraw": "2",
      "maker_fee": "0.14",
      "taker_fee": "0.18"
Response (for single asset)

    "code": "200",
    "msg": "success",
    "data": {
        "BTC": {
            "name": "bitcoin",
            "unified_cryptoasset_id": "1",
            "can_withdraw": "true",
            "can_deposit": "true",
            "min_withdraw": "0.0012",
            "max_withdraw": "2",
            "maker_fee": "0.14",
            "taker_fee": "0.18"

Public API - Order Book

Lists orders for provided pair, output could be limited, see example with depth and level.

Field Type Description
PAIR1 String The first currency name.
PAIR2 String The second currency name.
depth (optional) Integer Orders depth quantity: [0,6,10,20,50] Not defined or 0 = full order book Depth = 20 means 10 for each bid/ask side.
level (optional) Integer Level 1 Only the best bid and ask. Level 2 Arranged by best bids and asks. Level 3 Complete order book, no aggregation.
Success 200
Field Type Description
bids String
asks Integer
timestamp String Ask/Bid time.
Error No Orders Found
Name Description
{"responce": "No orders found"} No orders for provided pair.
Error 4xx
Name Description
NotFound The provided API was not found.
Error 5xx
Name Description
InternalServerError The server encountered an internal error

  "code": "200",
  "msg":  "success",
  "data": {
      "bids": [
      "asks": [
      "timestamp": "1613298623"

Public API - Ticker Info

The ticker api is to provide a 24-hour pricing and volume summary for each market pair available on the exchange.

Read All pairs
Read single pair
Field Type Description
PAIR1 (optional) String The first currency name.
PAIR2 (optional) String The second currency name.
Success 200
Field Type Description
base_id Integer The base pair.
quote_id Integer The quote pair.
last_price Decimal Last transacted price of base currency.
base_volume Decimal 24-hour trading volume in base currency.
quote_volume Decimal 24 hour trading volume in quote currency.
isFrozen Integer Indicates if the market is currently enabled (0) or disabled (1).
Error 4xx
Name Description
NotFound The provided API was not found.
Error 5xx
Name Description
InternalServerError The server encountered an internal error
Response (for all pairs)

  "code": "200",
  "msg":  "success",
  "data": {
      "BTC_USDT": {
          "base_id": "5",
          "quote_id": "1",
          "last_price": "0.00000039",
          "base_volume": "2567272.63"
          "quote_volume": "0.30095207",
          "isFrozen": "0"

Response (for single pair)

  "code": "200",
  "msg":  "success",
  "data": {
      "BTC_USDT": {
          "base_id": "5",
          "quote_id": "1",
          "last_price": "0.00000039",
          "base_volume": "2567272.63"
          "quote_volume": "0.30095207",
          "isFrozen": "0"

Public API - Trade History

Lists orders for provided pair, output could be limited .

Field Type Description
PAIR1 String The first currency name.
PAIR2 String The second currency name.
Success 200
Field Type Description
trade_id Integer Operation ID.
price Decimal Price for current operation ID.
base_volume Decimal Trade amount for current operation ID.
quote_volume Decimal Amount of quote for current operation ID.
timestamp String Operation ID execution time.
type String Operation ID type, Sell or Buy.
Error Incorrect Pair
Name Description
{"error": "Incorrect pair"} The provided Pair is wrong.
Error 4xx
Name Description
NotFound The provided API was not found.
Error 5xx
Name Description
InternalServerError The server encountered an internal error

  "code": "200",
  "msg":  "success",
  "data": [
          "trade_id": "41",
          "price": "0.0000008",
          "base_volume": "25000",
          "quote_volume": "0.02",
          "timestamp": "1606504897",
          "type": "buy"
          "trade_id": "42",
          "price": "0.00000081",
          "base_volume": "2500",
          "quote_volume": "0.002025",
          "timestamp": "1606504931",
          "type": "sell"

Public API - Trade Pairs

Read all available trade pairs from Ixtokens exchange

Read All pairs
Read single pair
Field Type Description
PAIR1 (optional) String The first currency name.
PAIR2 (optional) String The second currency name.
Success 200
Field Type Description
trading_pairs String Identifier of a ticker with delimiter to separate base/quote.
base_currency String Symbol/currency code of base currency, eg. ETH.
quote_currency String Symbol/currency code of quote currency, eg. BTC.
last_price Decimal Last transacted price of base currency.
lowest_ask Decimal Lowest Ask price of base currency.
highest_bid Decimal Highest bid price of base currency.
base_volume Decimal 24-hr volume of market pair denoted in base currency.
quote_volume Decimal 24-hr volume of market pair denoted in quote currency.
price_change_percent_24 Decimal 24-hr % price change.
highest_price_24h Decimal Highest price of base currency in the last 24-hrs.
lowest_price_24h Decimal Lowest price of base currency in the last 24-hrs.
Error 4xx
Name Description
NotFound The provided API was not found.
Error 5xx
Name Description
InternalServerError The server encountered an internal error
Response (for all pairs)

  "code": "200",
  "msg":  "success",
  "data": [
          "trading_pairs": "ETH_BTC",
          "base_currency": "ETH",
          "quote_currency": "BTC",
          "last_price": "0.038461",
          "lowest_ask": "0.038462",
          "highest_bid": "0.038462"
          "base_volume": "38744.942",
          "quote_volume": "14909",
          "price_change_percent_24h": "2.99",
          "highest_price_24h": "0.039363",
          "lowest_price_24h": "0.037314"
Response (for single pair)

  "code": "200",
  "msg":  "success",
  "data": [
          "trading_pairs": "ETH_BTC",
          "base_currency": "ETH",
          "quote_currency": "BTC",
          "last_price": "0.038461",
          "lowest_ask": "0.038462",
          "highest_bid": "0.038462"
          "base_volume": "38744.942",
          "quote_volume": "14909",
          "price_change_percent_24h": "2.99",
          "highest_price_24h": "0.039363",
          "lowest_price_24h": "0.037314"